Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Culture in Assam

A number of traditional festivals are celebrated in Assam, among them Bihu is the most important. Three Bihus are celebrated by the people of Assam, they are rongali or 'bohag bihu', celebrated at the onset of spring and the sowing season; kongali or 'kati bihu', when the farms are full with crops but the barns are empty; and the bhogali or 'magh bihu', the thanksgiving for the harvested crops. Rongali bihu is closely related to many Bihu songs and Bihu dances. The other traditional festivals celebrated by different ethno-cultural groups include Ali-aye-ligang, Hacha-kekan, Kherai, Porag, Awnkham Gwrlwi Janai, Chojun/Swarak, Me-dam-me-phi, Hapsa Hatarnai, Rongker, Sokk-erroi and Garja.

Bohag Bihu: Bohag Bihu is the spring time Bihu coming at seed-time. It also ushers in the Assamese New Year. It has an alternative name Rongali Bihu or the bihu of merriment, being associated youth, joy and mirth.
Magh Bihu is the harvest festival coming in winter and featuring big bonfires and feasts because of which it has the alternative name Bhogali Bihu or bihu of enjoyment.
Baisagu: Famous for its myriad of colours and merriment, `Baisagu' is generally celebrated by the Bodo-Kachari is in the month Baishakh or mid-April. It is the most cherished festival of the Bodos. The first day begins with the cow-worship. On the second day elderly members of the family offered respect. The supreme deity `Bathou' or Lord Shiva is also worshiped on this by offering him chicken and rice beer. There is age bar or sex bar dancing during this festival. The traditional musical instruments that are used in this dance festival are `Kham' (drum), `Jotha' (mnjari), `Khawbang' (Taal), `Gogona' (mouth-organ made of bamboo) and `Siphung' (flute). It is also customary at the end of Baishagu festival to offer community prayer at a particular place called, `garjasali'Bohaggiyo Bishu: The most fascinating spring festival of the Deoris. The Deoris are one of the four divisions of the Chutiyas, which are believed to have been members of the great Bodo race. Like other springtime festivals, Bihagiyo Bishu is also observed durinf rnid-april at a stretch for seven days with unrestricted joy and merrymaking. The Bihsu must be preceded by a Than Puja and evidently it must start on Wednesday. There is also much socio religious significance and arrangements, to be made before the puja. The Deodhani dance forms the most important significant part of the festival.

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